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Help Instructions

1 If you're a first-time user, you need to activate your account by signing up. Click on the Sign Up Now button, or click the "sign up" link in blue to access the sign up page.
2 Locate your nine-character Contract Number from your ID card and enter it into the Contract Number field. Your Contract Number may be referred to in a number of ways on your ID card: it may be called "Member Number", "Member ID", "Contract Number" or "Identification Number". Contract Numbers can be any combination of letters and numbers. In some cases, your actual nine-character Contract number is preceded by one or more letters, but to register you only need to enter the main nine-character number. If you have trouble locating your Contract Number, please call the Customer Service phone number listed on your ID card.
3 Enter your date of birth. Please make sure it follows this format: Example: January 02 1968.
4 If you have a sibling with your same birth date, you will be asked to choose your name from a list. If you do not find your name on this list, click Cancel and call the Customer Service phone number on your ID card.
5 Click Submit after you have entered and verified your information. Please note, if you receive a message that your information does not match what we have in the system, check the information you entered for errors. If the information you entered is correct, please call the Customer Service phone number on your ID card.
6 Next, you'll create your profile. Choose a user name that you will remember, such as your first name.
7 Choose an alphanumeric password between 6 and 12 characters in length. The password can be anything other than your user name.
8 Type in a password hint for yourself. We'll prompt you with this if you mistype your password.
9 Enter your e-mail address. If you forget your password, we will e-mail it to this address.
10 Click Submit to complete the process.

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